Piping Technology & Products, Inc. supplied a variety of pipeline products for the construction of a refinery plant on Jurong Island, Singapore. Jurong Island is a man-made island consisting of four petroleum refineries, 30 petrochemical firms, and many more industrial firms to support its existence.

PT&P and U.S. Bellows, Inc. first became involved in this extensive project in May 1998. During this time, PT&P supplied the international construction firm with more than 3,000 cold shoes, 400 slide plates and numerous more spring hangers, constants and fabricated pipe supports. U.S. Bellows, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of PT&P, also supplied many of the expansion joints used in the creation of this refinery. This includes three 36″ expansion joints were fabricated and sent to Singapore in October 1999. Two years, 300 jobs, and 670 tons of steel later, PT&P completed the last job for this project in September 2000.

PT&P has extensive experience performing product testing to ensure product quality and dependability. For this particular project a load test was performed on a 60″ diameter cold shoe. By measuring the axial and lateral loads, vertical tension and temperature, PT&P engineers are able to determine its maximum load.
Product testing was also performed on the three 36″ expansion joints provided. The bellows together with the hinge assembly were hydro-tested and a dry nitrogen test between the two plies was conducted to ensure that they would withstand the design pressure. These expansion joints were tested per ASME Sect. VIII Div. 1 Appendix 26 standards.