Piping Technology and Products designed and built 24 custom pipe support assemblies to meet the unusual needs of an oil refinery in Mexico. The pipe hanger assemblies each consisted of a 200 E-type constant spring support and a cradle assembly. The constants are designed for loads of 9856 lb. to 13,288 lb., and for total travels ranging from 3.5″ to 5.5″. Operational conditions dictated that the constant springs have settings for emergency and start-up, in additional to the standard settings of cold for shipping, and hot for normal operations.
The cradle assemblies attached to the constants are to support pipes with operational temperatures of 1070°F to 1100°F. Thus while the constants could be made of A-36 steel, the assemblies could not. The pipe saddle itself was made by splitting a section of A387-11 chrome alloy pipe. The other support components were all made of 304 stainless steel. This includes a 1-3/4″ Eye Rod, two 27″ I.D. U-bolts, and two 33″ lengths of 3″ diameter SCH. 80 pipe.
Do you need custom pipe supports for an upcoming project? Get pricing today!