The newest addition to the Piping Technology & Products, Inc. family of machinery is a thermal spraying unit used for coating touch-ups on our equipment. The versatility of this piece of equipment makes it possible to recoat small areas of our products (which may have been missed by galvanizing) and ship them out quickly, without having to spend the time necessary to send the product for a completely new galvanizing job.
The spray gun works on a relatively simple principle. An electric arc within the gun melts the coating material, which is fed into the gun in wire form. As the wire feeder pulls the wire into the high heat zone, it is melted and blown or sprayed onto the surface to be coated by a forceful stream of compressed air. The spray coats the surface and cools to form a strong, flat structure which will protect the given material.
We at PT&P are very excited about this new addition to our shop, and are pleased that it will certainly allow us to offer you quicker deliveries and lower cost in the long run.
New Spirit of Excellence as PT&P Implements Bar-coding Plan for Quality

This fall, in the spirit of total quality, Piping Technology is beginning the implementation of a brand-new bar-coding system to streamline shipping, improve inventory techniques and maximize efficiency in all facets of our operation. The effects of this system will certainly be far-reaching, and will undoubtedly affect our customers positively and for years to come.
At present, the bar-coding system seeks to make shipment of jobs easier for both PT&P and for our clients around the world. All products are labeled with a computer-generated tag before they go out, thus cutting down on errors and man-hours, while simultaneously improving the readability and appearance of shipped products. See below for an example of our new shipping tags. As technology improves all around, we also expect for barcode scanners to be used by us and our clients. The scanners will allow for an instantaneous electronic record of all transactions to be made by whomever operates them. In this way, speed and efficiency will be running at peak levels on all sides.